Terminal Emulator Controls
A TEControl is the Terminal Emulator control. TEControl is used to access information about the terminal emulator windows open in Smartpoint.
Each TEControl has a sibling, and each TEControl has a TEControlType property (enumerator) that can be Top and Bottom. If you are in the top TE control, the sibling is the bottom and vice versa.
CurrentTEControl is used to access the last used TEControl (i.e., the TEControl in which the last entry was made).
The following code gets the last used TEControl from a SmartpointUserControl. Be aware that multiple TE windows may be open. Therefore, the code below does not necessarily access the current TEControl.
The following code gets a list of all TEControl in a SmartpointUserControl.
Each TEControl also has a SmartDialogPanel, which can be used to show content on top of the terminal emulator item. The content is specific to the TEControl; therefore, if content is added to the top TEControl item, when you move off the As there is two TEControls on each item, you can have two SmartDialogPanels per item.
Code example
The following code adds a text box on top of the current TEControl.
The code above causes the following SmartDialogPanel to display.